How to Tell if You Need Air Conditioning Repair [infographic]

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Here at Collingwood Fuels, we provide top-notch fuel deliveries of gasoline, propane, and oil, and we also have the right knowledge and experience to service appliances that run on oil. For instance, we know how to tell if an oil-fueled air conditioning system is working properly or not, and if it’s not, we can repair the issue quickly and effectively. In this article, we will go over a few things to pay attention to in order to determine whether you need air conditioning repair.

How to Tell if You Need Air Conditioning Repair

  • Check the Air Temperature- The most obvious way to tell whether you need air conditioning repair is to pay attention to how cool the air actually is. If you put your hand by a vent and feel warm air, then something is definitely not working properly in your system, and we encourage you to get it inspected and then repaired as soon as possible.
  • Check the Humidity- Another way to tell if you need air conditioning repair is to check the humidity levels inside your building. Your air conditioning system is supposed to remove excess moisture from the air, as well as cool it, so if you notice that your indoor environment is becoming more humid than it should be, the best thing to do is to get the problem checked out right away.
  • Check Your Power Bill- A third thing you can look at in order to determine whether you need air conditioning repair is your monthly electric bill. Specifically, if you notice that your energy bill has increased significantly with no corresponding change in your power usage, then the culprit may be a malfunctioning–and therefore less energy-efficient–air conditioning system.

How to Tell if You Need Air Conditioning Repair