What You Should Know About Propane Tank Maintenance

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Winter can get quite powerful in the Collingwood, Ontario area. It is no surprise that many of our customers here at Collingwood Fuels have chosen to go with propane gas for its heating power during the coldest days of the year.

What You Should Know About Propane Tank Maintenance

If you are one of our propane customers, we want you to be aware of how to best care for your propane tank, especially during the cold weather months and when we get hit with a heavy storm. Below are five tips designed to keep your family and our delivery personnel safe throughout the winter season.

Tip # 1 – Make sure we can get to your propane tank.

If you do not keep snow and other items out of the path to the tank, it will impact our ability to refill it. During the winter, that means shoveling snow drifts out of the way and not putting any items you store in the yard during the winter in that area.

Tip #2 – Don’t let your propane tank get heavily covered with snow.

Too much snow on the propane tank puts it at risk for leaks. The fittings, connections, and sometimes even the tank itself can shift from the weight of the snow. In addition, that blanket of snow could cause a dangerous build-up of gas because it cannot escape if a leak occurs. Finally, heavy snow can lead to improper vaporization and safety concerns. It only takes a moment to brush the snow off every now and then, and you’ll have peace of mind that you won’t lose gas or have a dangerous situation brewing.

Tip #3 – Be careful when clearing snow.

You should clear snow around your propane tank with concern for your own safety. Don’t use heavy equipment, such as a snow blower or a plow. A shovel is a safer option, as it won’t damage the propane tank.

Tip #4 – Do a periodic inspection of the propane tank.

Be sure that the flues and vents are cleared regularly so you don’t end up with a build-up of carbon monoxide fumes in your home. It is also a wise idea to have a functioning carbon monoxide detector and alarm inside your home. Be sure to test it regularly!
Tip #5 – Don’t stick around if you smell gas!

It doesn’t take much to ignite leaking propane gas. Even something as seemingly safe as using your cell phone to call us is potentially dangerous. You should definitely avoid flames and sparks, and we recommend that you do not turn on any light switches because sometimes they spark. If it is possible to do so safely, turn the main gas supply valve to the “off” position. Then, get a safe distance away before calling us.

If you have any questions regarding your propane service or furnace oil service, please give our office a call at 705-445-4430